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Filter on device

Choose to show or hide buttons on desktop or mobile. No one wants to send an SMS message from their desktop for instance.

Spread your chances

Target devices

Showing too much on your site isn’t good. It’s easy to filter and target content on specific devices. Keep it simple by not overloading the user with floating content.

User experience

Keeping it nice and clean

For the best user experience, decide for each button if you want to show it on your desktop, mobile or both. Make use of Page Rules or Time Schedules for even better filtering.

1. Open editor

You’ll be greeted by Buzzy and can start building floating content.

2. Select
Filter on device

Great! Now you can search the list for this feature. Make sure to tweak it :)

3. Publish

That’s it! Visit your site and review the changes you’ve made.

Got exited? Give Buttonizer a go today!

And turbocharge your lead generation with Buttonizer.

Try Filter on device on any platform

Wow that worked!

Connect your favorite pop up builder or chat program to buttonizer