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Copy page URL

Copy – Paste a classic one, we love it. It’s an easy alternative to Social Sharing and sometimes works even better.


Boost conversions

Elevate engagement on your website using just a single button. Unleash your creativity with our powerful editor, enabling you to surpass your wildest imagination.

Advanced editor

Designing with your finger tips

Easily customize your Floating Action Button by choosing the color of your button, icon and the color after clicking on the button, also open animations and shape of the floating menu.
1. Open editor

You’ll be greeted by Buzzy and can start building floating content.

2. Select
Copy page URL

Great! Now you can search the list for this feature. Make sure to tweak it :)

3. Publish

That’s it! Visit your site and review the changes you’ve made.

Got exited? Give Buttonizer a go today!

And turbocharge your lead generation with Buttonizer.

Try Copy page URL on any platform

Wow that worked!

Connect your favorite pop up builder or chat program to buttonizer